The Ultimate Guide to B2B SaaS Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the fuel for a smooth-running marketing engine. Making sure your content marketing strategy is on point will help your B2B SaaS Company grow. In this comprehensive guide, we cover all the essentials from start to finish.


In B2B SaaS marketing, content reigns supreme as the strategy with the power to transform the fortunes of companies. For B2B SaaS companies, the importance of content marketing cannot be overstated as it touches everything, even the product itself.

In this guide we explain the role that content marketing plays in the success of B2B technology and SaaS businesses.

We'll explore how content impacts each stage of the buyer journey, why SaaS content marketing is so important, how storytelling can help engage buyers and how you can utilise AI in your content creation and, finally, how you can measure the impact and performance of all that juicy content.

Sound like a lot? Well it is, you can use the quick links at the top to jump to the section you are most interested in learning more about, happy reading.

Section Two

Content for the Marketing Funnel

Understanding the B2B buyer's journey and aligning your content with different stages of the sales funnel is essential for attracting, nurturing, and converting leads into loyal customers. This section explores how to create content that caters to the specific needs and interests of individuals at various stages of the buyer funnel.

Different Content for Different Needs

There are typically different types of content that fit the needs of buyers at certain stages of the journey better than others. At the beginning of a journey the content is more educational and informative and less about youandyourproduct. The more aware someonebecomes of you, the more the content needs to focus on you and the value you can bring to the buyer.

The role content plays from top to bottom

At the top of this content  marketing funnel, the primary goal is to capture the attention of a broad audience and introduce them to your brand.

Content at this stage should educate and inform: Create informative blog posts, articles, and how-to guides that address common pain points or questions within your industry. Share educational videos, webinars, or infographics that provide value without requiring a commitment.

In the middle prospects move into the consideration stage, they're actively researching solutions to their problems.

Your content should provide solutions: Offer in-depth guides, case studies, and white-papers that showcase your expertise and provide solutions to specific challenges. Create comparison content that weighs the pros and cons of different solutions, positioning your offering favourably.

From an SEO perspective you should optimize this content for keywords related to specific problems and solutions, indicating user intent to find a solution. You can also introduce gated content such as eBooks, templates, and webinars that require users to provide their contact information in exchange for valuable resources.

At the bottom of the funnel, prospects are ready to make a decision. Your content should help them choose your product or service.

You can help by offer product demos, free trials, or interactive tours that showcase your offering's features and benefits. Share customer testimonials and case studies that highlight real-world success stories - these are all components of a content marketing strategy.

At the bottom, or end of this funnel you need to optimize content for branded keywords and terms related to your product or service to capture users actively searching for solutions.

Include clear and compelling CTAs that encourage users to take the next step, such as signing up, requesting a quote, or making a purchase.

Section Three

Content for B2B SaaS Marketing

In this section we explore some specific SaaS content marketing tactics and strategies. Technology and software marketing involves a more nuanced approach to content that often involves technical writing and an understanding of technical terms.

Educational Blog Posts

Blog posts and articles are fundamental to SaaS content marketing. They provide a medium for sharing a wide range of information, insights, and ideas with your audience.

For SaaS platforms and technology products educational articles can sometimes cover some very niche topics and often require a lot of research into specific areas of technology.

someone searching on Google

Using data to answer buyer questions

When it comes to building awareness at the top of the funnel you should try to use search engine data to direct your content marketing strategy. This is where content marketing aligns very tightly with Inbound Marketing and the two overlap as one strategy. You can tools like SEMRush's Keyword Magic Tool to do this.

B2B SaaS Onboarding Content

A common part of a B2B SaaS content strategy is the requirement for creating content for your website and external social media platforms, you also need to help craft content that is consumed with the product itself.

Content consumed within the product in a SaaS business is some of the most important content because it aids conversion and helps reduce churn.

Types of SaaS Product Content

There are a few common types of content that is surface within the application itself. All of these pieces aid engagement and help users get the most out of your product.

Email Nurturing

Email nurturing is an important part of SaaS onboarding. When your prospects are trying a product out they often need prompts to keep them engaged and to ensure they discover the value of your product.

In-app Tips & Guides

Another important aspect of SaaS content marketing is the requirement for creating in-app content like smart tips and how to guides to help users get the mostout of the platform.

Product Tours

Enabling trial users and new customers to get the most outof your software is imperative for low churn rates and higher growth. Implementing great product tours is another important aspect of SaaS content marketing.


Content marketing for B2B SaaS brands is important because it not only involves the normal content consumed externally and on your website but it also impacts the product itself.

Section four

Creating Quality Content with Storytelling

The ability to create high-quality content can set your brand apart. High-quality content not only engages your audience but also influences search engine rankings, making it a cornerstone of your B2B SaaS Inbound Marketing Strategy. In this chapter, we'll explore how storytelling techniques can help you create engaging content for your tech brand.

Storytelling Techniques for Content

Storytelling is a powerful tool that transcends mere information delivery. It connects with your audience on an emotional level and leaves a lasting impact. Storytelling is particurly useful when talking about case studies and customer stories. Below is an example storytelling framework you can use to create your own case study content:

Tip One

Know Your Audience

Effective storytelling begins with understanding your audience's preferences, needs, and pain points. Tailor your narrative to resonate with them. Consider their demographics, interests, and challenges.

Tip Two

Create a Compelling Narrative

Craft a clear and engaging story structure. Start with a captivating introduction, build tension or curiosity in the middle, and provide a satisfying resolution or takeaway at the end.

Tip Three

Use Vivid Language In Your Content

Paint a vivid picture with your words. Use descriptive language and sensory details to immerse readers in your narrative. Make them feel like they're part of the story.

Tip Four

Incorporate Real-Life Examples

Include real-world examples, case studies, or anecdotes that illustrate your points. Personal stories or customer success stories can add authenticity and relatability to your content.

Tip Five

Embrace Emotional Appeal

Appeal to your audience's emotions. Stories that evoke empathy, joy, or curiosity are more likely to be remembered and shared.

Tip Six

Maintain Brand Consistency

Consistency in your brand's storytelling style and tone helps establish a strong and recognizable brand voice. Use a consistent narrative voice across your content.

Creating visually engaging content

When creating high-quality content it is important to make sure you create content that is not only rich in terms of the content but also from a visual perspective. This can mean designing dedicated landing pages and/or creating videos that summarise the main points of the content.

Section five

Leveraging AI for Marketing Content Creation

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way content is created, managed, and optimized. This chapter delves into the powerful ways AI can support content creation, from generating ideas to enhancing the quality of your content.

Automated Content Generation

AI-powered tools, such as natural language generation (NLG), can create written content at scale. For instance, AI tools like ChatGPT can generate blog posts, social media updates, white-papers, or even product descriptions based on given parameters, freeing up  marketers to focus on strategy and creativity.

Optimising ChatGPT Prompts

Although Generative AI and LLM tools like ChatGPT can help you automate and produce more quality content. Like any tool it has its limits. Often the content reads the same with similar formatting and sometimes lacking knowledge.

AI for Enterprise Content Generation

Many indiviuals within companies are using freely available AI LLM tools like ChatGPT and to generate content for their businesses, but larger organisations are starting to develop their own private LLM models trained on their own data therefore enabling them to produce content that adheres to certain rules and maintains a level of consistency across the business - enterprises are implementing private LLM models with Guard Rails and Fine-tuning to enable marketing teams to scale their content effectively.

What are Guard Rails in AI?

Guard rails act as a set of rules, filters, and policies that constrain the outputs of large language models (LLMs) to align with an companie's requirements, ethical guidelines, and compliance needs.

  • Content Filtering: Guard rails can filter out potentially harmful, biased, or explicit content by defining denied topics, blocked phrases, and content moderation rules that the AI must adhere to when generating text.
  • Privacy Protection: They can implement techniques like personal identifiable information (PII) reduction to prevent the AI from revealing sensitive data or leaking private information in its outputs.
  • Policy Enforcement: Guard rails enable codifying and enforcing an organization's specific policies, guidelines, and regulatory requirements around content generation, ensuring outputs comply with internal standards.
  • Consistency: By applying the same set of guard rails across multiple LLMs or use cases, organizations can maintain a consistent level of safety and quality control over AI-generated content.

What is AI Fine-tuning?

Fine-tuning involves further training a pre-trained LLM on a curated dataset specific to the desired task or domain, enabling the model to specialize and improve its performance.

  • Domain Adaptation: Fine-tuning on domain-specific data (e.g., legal texts, medical literature) allows the AI to better understand the context and generate more relevant, accurate content for that domain.
  • Safety and Quality Enhancement: Human curators can provide feedback during fine-tuning, reinforcing the model to generate safe, high-quality outputs aligned with desired attributes like factuality, neutrality, and lack of toxicity.
  • Customization: By fine-tuning on an firm's proprietary data and guidelines, the AI can be customized to generate content adhering to the organization's unique voice, style, and preferences
  • Task Specialization: Fine-tuning on task-specific datasets (e.g., summarization, question-answering) enables the AI to specialize and improve its performance on that particular task.

By combining guard rails to enforce safety constraints and fine-tuning to enhance quality and specialization, organizations can leverage the full potential of AI content generation while mitigating risks and ensuring outputs align with their specific requirements.

AI SEO Optimisation

AI SEO tools like Surfer,, and INK use Natural Language Processing (NLP)  to analyze the content of top-ranking pages, understand search intent, and identify relevant topics, entities, and semantic keywords to include in your content. This can helps create more comprehensive and topically relevant content. Th

Using Ai for Content Creation

AI is supercharging the amount of content being produced online and new tools are being developed all the time to improve on current methods of generative AI content creation.

For marketing teams, the focus always needs to be on the quality of the content produced and whether or not it is useful and informative to your buyer. You can use AI tools to help

Section Six

Measuring content performance

Evaluating the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts is crucial for optimizing your strategy, making informed decisions, and achieving your business goals. This chapter focuses on measuring and analyzing content performance, covering key metrics, analytics tools, and optimization techniques.

The Metrics to track

Effective content measurement starts with understanding which metrics matter most to your goals and objectives. Here are key metrics to track:

Content Performance Metrics by Funnel Stage

A great way of measuring the performance of your content is by looking at metrics for different stages of the marketing funnel, from awareness to consideration and decision.

At the top of the funnel you are looking at measuring the reach of your content - this means looking at metrics like the number of impressions your content gets across all channels.

Once you move further down the buyer funnel, the metrics move from basic engagement metrics such as web session length and the number of key events on your website such as content downloads and video plays, ending up at the bottom of the metric funnel with conversions like demo requests and free trial sign-ups.

Example Content Marketing Metrics

Here are some example content marketing metrics you can use to measure the success of your content marketing strategy.

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Total Visits: The number of users who visit your website.
  • Unique Visitors: The number of distinct users who visit your website.
  • Pageviews: The total number of pages viewed across your site.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page.
  • Average Session Duration: The average time users spend on your website.
  • Pages per Session: The average number of pages viewed during a session.

Conversion Metrics

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Goal Completions: The number of times users achieve specific goals on your website.

Engagement Metrics

These are some example metrics for measuring how engaging the content on your website is:

  • Most Popular Content: Identify the pages or posts that attract the most traffic and engagement.
  • Dwell Time: The amount of time users spend on a specific page or post.
  • Exit Pages: Pages where users typically leave your site.

Traffic Sources

As part of your content performance review you should look at the original sources of your website visitors. This can help you identify where you content is having the most impact, whether it be from Social Media Platforms, Emails or even on partner websites. Some examples of common traffic sources are:

  • Email Traffic: Visitors who click links in email campaigns
  • Direct Traffic: Visitors who type your URL directly into their browsers.
  • Organic Search Traffic: Visitors who find your site through search engines.
  • Social Media Traffic: Visitors referred from social media platforms.
  • Referral Traffic: Visitors who come to your site from external websites.

In Summary

Content Marketing is the most important part of a marketing strategy for a B2B SaaS company. It not only aids every stage of the marketing funnel but it also helps users engage with the product and can therefore help reduce your churn rate.

With the evoluation of AI tools for content marketers, producing content has never been easier but you still need to ensure you maintain the level of quality you would expect from content manually created by a human.

Creativity and storytelling is key when it comes to creating engaging content for you B2B SaaS strategy so ensure you always keep this top of mind, good luck!